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Going beyond good

If you have taken the effort to read this article, you are probably an achiever who doesn’t settle for good, always striving to be your best. Or you are someone who competes with yourself to be better. Or you consider your body as a temple, looking for ways to improve your performance and realise your dreams. I am like you too.

I am an entrepreneur, and a health freak. More specifically, I am a serious runner and cyclist.  I am not satisfied with the status quo and always want to improve my performance.  I have this ‘keeda’ inside me to outdo myself. So, I try to be in great shape physically and mentally.

If someone asks me what is the difference between good and great performance, I would say “The Right Nutrition”. I wouldn’t have said this a year ago.

I am a sceptic. Like many of my peers, I thought home-cooked food was healthy, period. To improve my nutrition, all I had to do was to maximise the intake of home-cooked food, and avoid eating out. 

But I was wrong.

It’s not a given that home-cooked food is nutritious. Let me explain. At home, we are accustomed to a daily diet that our families have followed traditionally. We seldom question the ‘nutritious-ness’ of that food. Add to it the ‘masala’ of food myths, and we get a set of wrong beliefs about “The Right Nutrition”. I suffered the same problem. Until I met a doctor who lived and advocated a whole-food, plant-based lifestyle.

I met her for health reasons – I had high BP and I was overweight. A close friend who knew about my aversion to medicines advised me to meet her because she had cured people of chronic conditions by making changes in nutrition.

In just two hours of conversation with her I was convinced that many of my beliefs about good nutrition were wrong. I followed her advice and within 3 months, I saw a huge improvement in my energy, stamina and performance.

Today, after just 6 months, my cholesterol levels have normalised, sluggish liver has become active, and most importantly I feel much younger. How do I know that?

After 8 years of running dozens of marathons, I had plateaued. I couldn’t improve my performance despite my best efforts. After switching to a plant-based lifestyle I am running at my fastest. My 14-hour work days have become a breeze. I wake up fresh and energetic in the morning, and the energy levels last till I hit the bed. I am now feeling healthy beyond good. Just last week, I did a 100km bicycle ride and enjoyed it.

I think The Right Nutrition completed the missing piece of the jigsaw puzzle and helped me Go Beyond Good.